6th dimensional beings

You on this level can become aware of how your body is one big communication-network between all the elements within your cells. This chakra is also known as Base Chakra due to its location, that is at the base of the spine. Dimensions. Theoretically, once you have mastered the fifth and 6th dimensions, you can travel through time and move into different futures. There are seven perceptual dimensions that correspond to the eighth dimension where the Earth is right now. they condense and form a six-dimensional space with a certain geometry that is too small to be observed. The equations for general relativity mathematically modeled how mass and energy warp spacetime, which led to one of his most famous discoveriesblack holes. A Group Soul is a collection of entities that work together as one unit. 8) Once you have cleared that which stands in the way of integrating you will notice yourself becoming quieter; youre breathing regulating. And such a vast experience cannot be registered within the capacity of time, space, memory patterns of the fourth dimension. It is not, however, a universe of form. Jorge Jimnez Hierarchy is evident in all of nature. This reconnection with the higher parts of you brings higher awareness and allows you to know yourself at the Soul level. It seems to me that this vision of the fourth dimension easily leads to the idea of the fifth dimension, and that this is consistent with quantum physics. Such vast experiences do not register in the faculties of time, space, memory, or fourth-dimensional patterns. This is the dimension where angels and beings of light move because within sacred geometry, it corresponds to the geometric patterns of light and energy and life-givers. The 6th dimension includes all possible extensions of the fifth dimension in space-time. A solid third dimension advances over time. 21. Repeats the plan that repeats that the plan that repeats becomes permanent. The sixth dimension is the frequency that has been called Christic (referring to Christ) or Buddha because it is there where the state of total remembrance is reached, where responsibility for the whole is assumed and one is fused with the whole. 6th dimensional beings pheasant spirit animal. Foods figs, blueberries, purple potatoes, and red cabbage. Patterns and geometric forms allow light and sound to manifest into concrete physical matter. < Back: TRANSDIMENSIONAL LEVEL 5 Remember? History The Sixth Dimension is the final realm and highest plane of existence in the Multiverse whose inhabitants exist beyond time and are capable of things beyond the imagination of most living beings. Space, time, and energy constitute the other four dimensions, while mind and consciousness are different domains. Understandably, the lines between the fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensions are hypothetical. 22. They say that in this state temptations can occur, deviate from what is really important and become fascinated by energy, past lives, channeling, etc. Scientists believe there could be much more beyond these three visible dimensions. There are many methods to balance your chakras, but diet is probably the easiest one. Many times in a Near Death Experience, a person will travel up a long tunnel. Therefore, there is no physical suffering. It enables human beings to see the bigger picture by imagining things. 19. . The Dinohattanites (Super Mario Bros. film) are a human-like race that evolved from dinosaurs featured in the Super Mario Bros. film, inhabiting the parallel dimension of Dinohattan. Evidence of this was provided by string theory, an extra-dimensional concept of the universe that postulates ten dimensions six more than the four we perceive as tiny shapes at every point of the cosmos. This dimension is outside of ordinary thought processes and time, as well as long experiences that can last a whole month, while their actual duration on the physical plane is only two seconds. WeMystic is an information site and its content is not of scientific rigor. 14. Most souls choose to transition from this period to the desired period of time and can easily find their way with the help of beings with a higher frequency in the 6th dimension. The analytical, reasoning thought processor designed to make comparisons, draw conclusions, store information, calculate, and make determinations.Flexible Structures of the Fourth DimensionNow Time This is your point of power. We see an extra temporal dimension, like a body, like a frisbee, so to speak, where the tip of the frisbee expands over time, becomes a repeating line, which then becomes a repeating plane, which becomes a steady line, which repeats. The Cathexis are a race of sixth-dimensional beings from the DC Universe.. Fictional character biography. One of the more important videos we will ever share. In technical terms, a dimension is a frequency and the length, extension, or volume that a line, surface, or body, will occupy respectively, in space. As we continue to evolve - we will leave prior dimensions behind. Let go and dissolve any fear, anxiety, or uncertainty, and any resistanceor thoughts that this wont work for you You can do this by getting in touch with the resistance, taking a deep breath, and exhaling out through your mouth as you let go. the fourth dimension in repeated sweeps of mirrors, infinite parallel frisbees and the infinite previous sequence of dimensionality in an infinite number of previous dimensions. Originating from the sixth dimension of reality - as opposed to humanity's existence in the third dimension - the Cathexis are an advanced and powerful race, capable of creating sentient energy beings and wielding remarkable power in their own right. The other is pure yin - the Great Yin (or The Void). If you have a balanced Svadhistana chakra, you are comfortable with intimacy/sharing with others, have a healthy relationship with your sexuality, and thoroughly enjoy lifes pleasures. (Actually, Group Souls are even more integrated than the cells of our body; they are more like drops of water in an ocean, communicating by sharing real-life holograms.). Also commonly referred to as interdimensional beings, they live in different dimensions - in a way that is incomprehensible to us as human beings. What's wrong with it? The real six-dimensional bivector in four dimensions is written as L2R4, which is the set of bivectors in Euclidean space, and L2r31 which is the set of bivectors in space time. the second dimension of time. The Twelfth Dimension includes and exceeds all infinities. In the Fifth Dimension, one simply duplicates himself to his destination(s). On third-dimensional planets, there is what we call inorganic matter. Inorganic matter does, however, act as the vehicle (body) of the Planetary Consciousness. Understanding these layers helps you to understand how powerful you truly are! We can imagine the fifth dimension as if it were a space-time Frisbee, with the solid third dimension advancing through time. This is similar to the functioning of a Group Soul. Being out of balance in your base chakra can also lead to feelings of restlessness since it constricts the flow of energy throughout the body. Numerologically, the number twelve is 1 and 2 joined. From here, we can project our consciousness into any form in the universe. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Due to its five dimensional properties, this reality functions off of a completely different set of physics than those found in typical three-dimensional environments. Ascension. There is a hierarchy of dependency as well. Olympians (Marvel Comics) are extradimensional beings from the realm . But what are black holes exactly? If we look at the fourth dimension of spacetime as the first dimension of time the frisbee as an extended point to describe a line we will now extend that line at right angles to itself to form a plane. Thousands will be participating in this collective meditation to welcome in the new summer solstice. In this video we're going to discuss the 6th dimension, where it is, and the kinds of Beings that reside there. 4) Begin to breathe it in. It's a realm beyond comprehension where everything falls apart except the truths that are never meant to be seen,[1] where the Multiverse was designed and set into motion. Even mystics who have deep six-dimensional experiences do not remember them. All language, symbols, and models start here. The shortest distance you can travel in the 2D probability plane is the 6th dimension, but you can jump from any point in that plane to the 5th dimension. Here we could delve into cause and effect and discover the results of our choices and actions. The eighth dimension still provides us with a blueprint for the possible history of the universe, each of which starts with different initial conditions and then branches to infinity (which is why they are called infinity). She technically created the rest, and can destroy and create anything in the multiverse, as she is a Hand. A Dimension is a state of consciousness and a means of organizing different planes of existence according to the vibratory rate of that which exists. If time does not exist in the 6th dimension, this would indicate that our six-dimensional self or our soul in a transitional state is infinite, even here, and we know everything, knowing and perfect. First there are those that we think of as natural, like length, width and height. There are well over a hundred anchor points on the planet, none of which is of any more significance than any other. Therefore, we embody the Planet Within, a vibrational patterning for the original dream of the planet. We are spirits having a physical experience. This etches our *lives* in stone, rather than sketching them in Light. 10th Dimensional consciousness once again bridges the Eternal Self with the Eternal Mystery of the Other, while 11th Dimensional awareness begins to identify and define that Mysterious Other into an actual Eternal Presence and Being. When Vishudha chakra is not balanced you may be afraid of success, feel non-assertive, or go the opposite way and be egotistical. One of our activities is to explore other dimensions, in service to the Force of Evolution. (Form begins at the Ninth Dimension.) Foods kale, broccoli, avocados, cabbage, zucchini, chard, limes, parsley, basil, mung beans, arugula, green apples, kiwis, and spirulina. These include clairvoyance, telepathy and abstract intuition.Access the Wisdom You Know Life in the fifth-dimension is stunning because you are fully conscious again. We know we have a physical body; we can see it, touch it, and feel it. Your earliest memories are stored here, including whether or not your basic needs (like proper nutrition, stable living environment, security, sensitivity, and love) were met. And much of what you experience is no longer expressed from the mind or in words (intellect/brain) but pours forth from the heart and the feelings (the senses recombine forming a sixth sense). Shuma Gorath (Marvel Comics) is a Class 3 Demon, which is just an extradimensional being. One can think of the fifth dimension as different branches of a particular point in the same timeline that change the timeline itself, but let us see what is all about the additional dimension, the 6th dimension. The fourth chakra is located in the low center of the chest and symbolizes love and self-acceptance. You are one with the All and All is you. They were extradimensional god-like beings responsible for helping humans experience other dimensions and worlds. How were chainsaws invented? 6-sphere [ edit] The 6-sphere, or hypersphere in seven dimensions, is the six-dimensional surface equidistant from a point. Neither do we suffer from any form of separation, because we constantly experience the Oneness of God. Many people are still unaware of dimensions or even the idea of leaving dimensions itself. They are also good with finance. A chair on one level sounds like a symphony and looks like a light show. God number three, The Holy Spirit, is the *unified* field of consciousness of the Tenth Dimension. The Great Yin is God the Mother, the Creator. In many Ascension stories, the Earth transforms - along with her inhabitants - into her fifth-dimensional Light Body. We think of the 6thdimension as a body, like a flying disc, so to speak, the tip of the flying disc expands over time, becomes a repeating line, then becomes a plane, repeats itself, and then stops. As it turns out, most peoples understanding of the 6th dimension, like most things in life, is limited by our own perception of what we know and dont know as well as our understanding of past and current events in our lives. The 6th dimension is space-time, the third dimension of time, including the possible expansion of the fifth dimension of space and time. These beings would have the ability to see what lies inside objects in our 3D universe. If we look at the grammar of the words, the prefix "inter" would mean including multiple aspects, like international or interstate. It represents the fusion of Unity (1) and Duality (2). One of these entities is pure yang in nature - the Great Yang. Our ability to experience beauty down here shows that we live in a loving universe. TRANSDIMENSIONAL LEVEL 3 The Universal Dreamer. Each dimension is governed by a set of specific laws and principles to function in tune with the frequency of that dimension. Another way of looking at the 6th dimension is the Everett Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics. As a result, 5th dimensional beings provide a calming, stabilizing frequency on the planet which is essential to the ascension to 5D for all living beings and to the completion of suffering. Grey (Zeta Reticuli), Artist Unknown. It is a dimension where these fascinating powers are discovered, but they are not essential, what the monk must do is follow the straight path towards God. The volume of the space bounded by this 6-sphere is. Like cosmic DNA, the Universe contains the entire blueprint of what is to unfold during its lifetime. You are in the process of incorporating your Divinity and your human-ness as a co-creator in the evolution of consciousness on the Earth.As with all spiritual journeys, there are initiations,portals through which the devotee must pass in order to incorporate the next level of spiritual awakening. Similarly, the Earth depends upon the Sun for its life, but the Sun can live without the Earth. As you do so,feel yourself relaxing. As ninth-dimensional entities, we could say, I am going to take form as a planet. Then we do it. Beyond that, we humble mortals cannot imagine anything, which makes this the natural limit of what we can imagine in terms of size. When we signed up for this adventure we did not know that we would become immersed in it or that we would forget who we are, where we came from, why we came, and how to get back Home. Transcendance. Today, these extradimensional beings are known as Advanced Jnanis. However, it is actually two distinct beings in one. Growth, intuition, clarity, stillness, and openness are the qualities which exist in a balanced Ajna chakra. Over a very long period of time things will repeat almost exactly.All Human Beings are Multi-Dimensional Beings of Light with a visible dense physical body which some of their Consciousness has been projected into, and have the potential to access the first 5 dimensions. The process of buying and / or using the products mentioned herein is entirely the responsibility of the user and the company responsible for the marketing of the product. Allow the golden light to continue to flow through you and out your third eye chakra Open a beautiful expanse of golden light; pure and clear over the top of your head.Let this light become more clear and pure, 17. Behind these three lie seven dimensions that are not immediately obvious to us. For most religions, the Fifth Dimension is the highest realm a soul can reach. However in this dimension the object has the ability to pass threw another object lets say walls. There have been many reported accounts of extra-dimensional experiences throughout history, but now there are reports that science may be able to help us see into these worlds through technology. as a point (frisbee) stretched out in time to become a line. In addition, we can travel by moving through the doorway at the center of the star. As they are the guardians of the matrix of Gaias consciousness. solid. but which can still be perceived as having a direct impact on the universe and reality as we know it. Allow your body to relax more and more. All prices and characteristics of the products presented are valid as of the date of publication of the content and may be changed without prior notice. The sixth dimension is highly populated by light civilizations. This chakra is found in the upper abdomen, in your stomach area. [3], If, by some extreme circumstance, any of the four residents are destroyed, they reform in the Sixth Dimension. You begin to Be who you came here to be. At this level, we find the cast for astrological and genetic codes. The concept of six-dimensional space can be visualized by an analogy to four-dimensional spacetime, extending its coordinates to include three spatial dimensions, and an additional time dimension. (The Mystery of The Trinity is that there are three Gods in One - The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.) Thanks. She physically shifts from a dense, material body to one of Light (a star). In the 6thdimension we can see the level of all possible worlds, and we can compare the positions of all possible universes that began with the same starting conditions as our own. The sixth dimension is the frequency that has been called Christic (referring to Christ) or Buddha because it is there where the state of total remembrance is reached, where responsibility for the whole is assumed and one is fused with the whole. What would a fourth dimensional being be like? Christ was sharing a fourth-dimensional perspective when He said, If you are not with me, you are against me. Forms naturally morph on the Astral plane. Looking at the sixth and deeper, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth dimensions, they exist in a completely different field; another universe, so to speak. Manipura chakras meaning relates to self-esteem, self-confidence, personal power, ego, clarity, self-worth, and creativity. 11. It was a magical event in the truest sense of the word, requiring ritual protection and greater fastidiousness in walking in the light, leaving the L/L group (Don, Carla, and Jim) little margin for error What makes the Ra contact so singular, whether in comparison to Q'uo or virtually every other source of information available on this planet, is that we hear directly from Ra with little to no human interference, as if they are in the room with us. To illustrate, imagine that every cell in your body is a conscious entity. On the highest level of creation, you are God. These dimensions or entities are also classified by Maharishi Canada as Earth, Water, Air, Radiance (Energy), Akasa (Space), Dick (Direction), Kara (Time), Atman (I) and Manas (Mind) Or mind). *****If my work has helped you in any way, ple. TRANSDIMENSIONAL LEVEL 2 As always, feel free to ask any questions you have and we will get back to you. 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